Homework Writing

Writing week 8


  1. If I had the choice between flight and invisibility I would choose flight because flying would be so much fun, you can spy on people, if you fly really high no one can see you in the clouds so you are also invisible and it would come in handy if you needed to get something up high. I would fly everywhere I go so I would not have to walk, and if I wanted to go on holiday I would just fly to where I want to go so I would not have to pay to go in a plane.

  2. If I had to chose I would probably do invisibility because it would be funny scaring your friends and also spy on people if they are talking about you. I would probably see a lot of people flying over top of me. Also another reason is I could steal things and people wont know it was me.

  3. if I had a choice I would choose invisibility so I could scare everybody steal things from my brother.

  4. If i could pick out of them i would pick invisibility because you could scare loot's of people and that would be fun and in games you could invisibly so they can not fined me and you can do lots of cool staff and if you wonted to do something with gust our safe you can do it.

  5. If I had to choose out of them I would choose flight because you could see from high above and instead of taking ages to drive to go on holiday you could just fly.And if you were playing hide and seek you could just fly above them and behind them and spy on people.

  6. If I had to choose I would choose invisibility because you could tap someone and they would not know who did it and you could easily trick anyone. If I chose flight that would be good to because well you can fly and you could travel anywhere but I would still choose invisibility.

  7. Invisible so I can get a midnight snack,and play on the ipads because no one can see me. I don’t have to go to school because mum and dad can’t find me. No one can get me in tag games because no one can see me.I can go to a candy shop and take candy and no one knew it was me.

  8. If I had a super power it would be flight because then I could get to places faster. With this super power I would always fly to school and my friends houses

  9. If i can have a super power it would be Invisible because i can play games and hide good. when my friends come to my house i can hide.

  10. If I had a super power I would have fight so I can go faster and i can win in hind & seak

  11. SUSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!June 20, 2017 at 4:22 PM

    i would be invisible because i can sneak lollies from the lollie shop without being seen.

  12. ollie/pretsonplayzJune 20, 2017 at 4:56 PM

    i would have invisibility so i can scare people easy.

  13. I would choose flight because you can see peoples clothes if you're invisible.

  14. I would choose to be invisible it would be so much fun and I could trick people annoy them and skip school work and be so good at hind and go seek.

  15. I would choose to be invisible because I could cheat at school and find out amazing things
